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Mental Illness Training: A Practical Approach

VirTra recently launched "Mental Illness Training: A Practical Approach." This unique V-VICTA™ curriculum contains 15 hours of nationally-certified training material that holds ten lessons PLUS associated testing materials. Including 2 hours of Crisis De-Escalation, this informative curriculum is designed to prepare all officers - from trainees to veterans.


When the Mental Illness Training curriculum is installed on your system, your department will receive training manuals, slide presentations, pre- and post-tests, class rosters, evaluations and more. Every aspect is intended to make the instructor's job easier. Mental Illness lessons include: 

  • The Role of Mental Health
  • Crisis De-Escalation
  • Depression
  • Suicide
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma & PTSD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Neurocognitive Disorders
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Substance Use

This curriculum comes with all other V-VICTA courses that are included with the VirTra Annual Service Plan*. 

*Your system must run VOS 4.6 or higher and have the necessary amount of memory for the curriculum to be installed successfully.

If you would like more information on our Mental Illness: A Practical Approach curriculum, fill out the form and we will be in touch!

IADLEST Certified.

VirTra's "Mental Illness: A Practical Approach" curriculum has obtained the coveted IADLEST NCP certification, including a 2 hour certified block on crisis de-escalation. This means both your department and community receive the ultimate benefit of knowing your officers are trained using course material that meets the highest certification standards available today.   


V-VICTA™ saves you time and money.

On average, it takes over 60 hours of work to create 1 hour of curriculum. Since the Mental Illness: A Practical Approach curriculum is 15 hours, this one set of coursework alone saves your department over 900 hours in research, writing, curriculum design, review and certification hours. Look at all the other course offerings built into V-VICTA here


Training with intent.

Each scenario trains the student officer(s) on recognizing and responding to circumstances involving emotionally disturbed/people in crisis. Officers should choose appropriate verbalization techniques that maximize officer and subject safety. Officers should also demonstrate that they recognize the different behaviors displayed and choose the appropriate and most effective response.

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